Business hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Please contact the center for visitation information at 757-887-0225.
Residents are permitted visits from their parents, legal guardians, and grandparents only
Medications in their original prescription containers, paperback books, stamped envelopes, prescription eyewear or contacts, and funds for haircuts. All other items are provided by the center.
Residents are given an initial call at intake and earn phone privileges based on their behavior as an incentive. Incoming calls are not permitted with the exception of calls to and from legal/professional agencies.
Each resident receives a health screening and physical performed by licensed medical staff at intake. Parents or guardians will be contacted to provide health insurance information. Additional medical care is provided by the Center's registered nurse as required.
Yes, residents may receive letters at the following address. Please include return address with full name of sender on all correspondence.
Resident Name
Merrimac Center
9300 Merrimac Trail
Williamsburg VA 23185